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Things to Learn Before You Leave

对于大多数学生和他们的家庭来说,出国留学是一种全新的体验. 学生们从国外回来,带着丰富的关于在另一个国家生活的知识. We compiled many of their comments to help you get prepared.

What to Bring

  • Don't take a lot of stuff, especially when you travel. Pack light. 即使你想轻装上阵,你也会包得太多,所以只带必需品. You can usually buy anything you need.
  • Bring a large traveling or camping backpack. It's very convenient when traveling during school breaks. Take advantage of your holidays, 无论是到另一个主要城市旅行,还是到附近的村庄游览,但不要忘记在你的接待城市花很多时间!
  • Bring several types of clothing. You never know if winter or summer will come a few weeks early.
  • Bring pictures of home: family, friends, etc. 你会想家,有时你会很喜欢看着它们.
  • Take extra passport photos. 你将需要它们来获取交通通行证、项目或机构信息等.
  • Bring gifts for host students and families. It doesn't have to be anything expensive or bulky. It's simply a small gesture and token of your appreciation. A gift that is connected to your hometown, culture, 爱好——即使只是一些你可以讲述个人故事的东西——可以帮助打破僵局,开始一场舒适的谈话.
  • 仔细研究你计划去的国家,带上一本好的旅游指南.
  • 和以前出国留学的学生交谈,他们已经完成了你的项目或在国外学习过. Talk to them before, during, and after your study abroad experience. 和那些能给你提供相关建议的人谈谈会有所帮助.

Suggested Items to Pack

  • Flip flops for the shower
  • Toiletries (travel sizes)
  • Durable walking shoes or hiking boots
  • Backpack with a hip strap, sturdy stitching, padded shoulder straps, compartmental bag, waterproof bag (if not water-resistant, look into sealer spray) especially on the bottom of the bag
  • Clothes: bring less and wash more often
    • Pack dark clothes that don’t wrinkle
    • Avoid delicates
    • Bring waterproof shoes
    • Think layers
    • Wear Polypropylene or other fast-drying material
    • Be attentive to local attire
  • Sample of what clothes to pack:
    • 5 shirts (long and short-sleeved)
    • 1 sweater
    • 2 pairs of pants
    • 1 pair of shorts (doubles as a swimsuit for guys)
    • Swimsuit (women)
    • Pajamas and/or warm-up suit
    • 5 pairs of underwear and socks
    • 步行鞋和/或登山靴,这取决于你的旅行地点
    • Small towel (super thin, quickly dries)
    • Ziplock bags
  • Camera
  • Phone with alarm or clock with alarm
  • First aid kit with Neosporin
  • Any medicines or pain killers
  • Sunglasses
  • If you have contacts, bring extra pairs, plus your glasses in a case
  • Reading material and music for the trains and waiting
  • 联系人地址列表(全球项目办公室、家人和朋友)
  • Notebook and pen for journaling


ATM and Credit Cards

  • Keep a copy of your ATM card, credit card, and passport at your home base (host family, dorm, apartment) with the numbers to your bank, credit card company, and home country embassy, in case they are stolen.
  • 让你的银行和信用卡公司知道你将离开这个国家以及你将离开多长时间.
  • 询问你的银行,哪些地方可以接受你的ATM卡,以及你的密码在你的国家是否有效(有些国家只接受4位数字)。.
  • Approve someone at home to access your bank account.
  • 随身携带一张电话卡,这样你就可以很快地取消自动取款机和信用卡.

Keep Your Money Close (easy to reach, but hard to steal)

  • Keep your wallet in the front pocket or hooked to a belt loop.
  • Carry your purse like a messenger bag.
  • Use neck pouches or money belts; keep all your important items on you.
  • Distribute money; don’t have it all in one location.
  • When sitting down and your bag is not on you, place the bag on your lap and put the strap around your leg.
  • 当你站在人群中时,把你的背包放在你的前面,或者把你的背靠在墙上.
  • Use a safety pin to lock your zippers.



  • Research budget airlines in your host region before you leave.
  • For a better deal, be flexible.
  • Be conscious of weight restrictions for luggage.
  • Plan to arrive at the airport early.
  • Airline Fees: The Ultimate Guide


  • 要知道这是直达的公交路线还是经常停靠的公交路线.
  • 了解巴士上是否有保安,例如保安和行李检查.
  • 了解不同类别的公交车,这样你就可以权衡价格和舒适度的选择.
  • Check if there are bathrooms on the bus.
  • For security, try to sit toward the front of the bus and the driver.
  • While buses are slower than trains or planes, 这可能是值得的折扣,并有机会慢慢看到更多的国家.


  • Always inquire about a student discount.
  • Start off traveling short distances and then add to your plans.
  • Rate the benefits of the Inter-city train vs. regional train. For example, regional trains make more stops and are slower.
  • 如果你要长途旅行,计划使用过夜火车车厢,睡在火车上.


Definition: 通常比酒店便宜的住宿,通常是为年轻旅行者设计的.

  • Accommodations can be very basic and not always private.
  • They often provide a kitchen or lounge where people relax.
  • 他们通常提供认识来自世界各地的人的机会.
  • Call ahead and make a reservation for stays during peak season.
  • 经常检查房间:床质量,浴室质量,安全(门,窗).
  • Know the damage and checkout policies.
  • Keep safety in mind and be conscious of the location within the city.
  • 警惕那些在机场、火车站和汽车站宣传旅馆或出租房间的人.
  • 尽量在同一地区找几家旅馆,这样你就可以货比三家了.


  • Guidebooks act as a travel advisor, help you understand the culture, and provide travel, lodging, and restaurant recommendations.
  • Popular major guidebooks are Lonely Planet, Let’s Go, Rough Guides, and Insight Guides.
  • Decide how you want to spend your time, such as exploring the region's history or spending time on the beach.
  • Go to a bookstore and compare different guidebooks. 选择一个目的地,比较每本旅游指南对这个地方的描述.
  • Consider each guidebook's theme (i.e. budget travel, insider’s view, or adventure travel).
  • Look at the maps. Are they easy to read? How detailed are they?
  • 注意这本书的大小和重量,因为你要带着这本书旅行.
  • All guidebooks are at least one year old, 所以,永远不要以为价格是一样的,或者餐馆还在营业.


Cell Phones

  • Consider buying or renting a cell phone in your host country, or adjust your current phone so that it works abroad.
  • 和熟悉你所在国家的人谈谈推荐手机的事.
  • 联系你的主办项目或机构,了解以前的学生所做的任何信息,并询问为学生提供折扣的公司.
  • 仔细阅读手机服务的条款、协议、政策和费率.


  • 就像在你的国家一样,互联网接入也会因地点而异.
  • Try online video-conferencing through providers such as Skype or Gmail.
  • 提前计划,在离开之前与朋友和家人建立账户和摄像机. This way you can work out the bugs ahead of time.

The Experience

  • Travel as much as you can. Soak up the atmosphere and culture. Take as many photos as you can and write a journal, so you can remember everything you saw and everything you felt.
  • Plan your flight to arrive in the morning or early afternoon.
  • It can be difficult to arrive in a foreign city at night.
  • 记住你要去的每个国家的当地语言的几个关键短语(你好. Do you speak English? Where is _____?).
  • Be confident when traveling. Fake it if necessary. 扒手和骗子最可能的目标是:拿着大折叠地图的人,或者翻口袋和背包找现金的人.
  • 对那些太友好、太愿意帮助你的人要心存怀疑.
  • Plan things out, but be flexible if things change.
  • Estimate your costs (costs per day, 你想在每个地方看到什么)并平衡你的支出,这样你就不会在旅行中途花光了钱.
  • 通过了解每个国家的货币转换来了解你花了多少钱.
  • Don't be shy about speaking a new language. Just get out there and give it a try. No matter how many mistakes you make, you'll get better. You will get your point across even if your grammar isn't correct. Practice, be patient, and get out of your comfort zone.
  • With leaving friends and family, traveling to an unknown place, and meeting new people, 出国留学可能是你迄今为止做过的最难的事情之一. But, it may become one of the greatest things. 一开始可能很难适应,但在最初的震惊消退后,你就会没事的. Trust us, just give it a shot and be patient.
  • 你会想家,但它很快就会消失,在你知道你会回家之前,你会希望你还在国外学习. Take advantage of everything.
  • It'll take some time but you'll adjust to the culture. Be open to the differences and be outgoing. Get involved in program or school activities.
  • Move outside your comfort zone. Meet as many people as possible. 尽量不要只选择来自你的祖国/学校的学生作为朋友,因为你已经和他们相处得很舒服了. If you do, you'll be missing out on a lot.
  • It's a different system in your new community, country, culture, etc. You can't plan and prepare for every difference. Just be calm and enjoy the experience. No matter what, you will be a different person when you get back. 允许自己去体验新事物,去成长,去学习.
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